Reading for Flight_of_angelwings

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Reading for Flight_of_angelwings

Post by MoonGoddess » Sun Apr 15, 2007 6:59 am

The Question
Image Ing: Ing associates with healthy wholesome sexuality, a strong affectionate family and a safe, secure hearth and home.  A beacon of shining light in the darkness light a light house shines its light out to direct the ships safely home.  It also means the completion of an old phas of life to give birth to a new and more exciting one.  A time of positive energies and deliverance and good fortune.

The Background
ImageGifu: A connection between people or the gods through exchange.  It creates balance and strengthens bonds in partnerships whether it be business or romantic.  It also means the emotional gift given in love or a material gift of a timely nature.

The Seeker
Image Sigel: The power of the sun to vanquish the darkness, like good over evil.  A person whom has much power available to them at this point in time to effect changes in their life.  Opposition overcome a time to relax.

The Environment
Image Jera: The harvest rune, working hard to obtain a goal.  This rune basically means what ever you sow you will eventually reap in harvest as long as you put in the hard yards.  Being aware of all circumstances, looking before you leap as not to embark on anything that is not suit to you. Cause and effect, you maybe reaping the rewards from your last action.

The Answer
Image Nyd Reversed: This rune backs up the last rune about making sure you look before you leap.  Think twice before doing anything you may have planned as you may be setting off on an improper course of action.

Thew just got that done and BK woke up and now wants my attention, so hope this reading is alright for you.

May the Goddess enlighten you all, Blessed Be!

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flight _of_angelwings
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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Sun Apr 15, 2007 7:59 am

Wow thankyou so much for the Rune Reading Moongoddess.

It actually does pertain to me at the moment.  My Family life etc is going very well adn I am happy with the progress we are all making this year.  We all seem to be meeting our own individuals goals even my five year old son is meeting some great milestones.  I'm very happy where I am ta in regards to my family life.

The seeker does fit me rather well as I am looking and always will in regards to my spirituality and my intuitive side.  My opposition is me.  I battle myself in this area all the time. I hate to say it but I often doubt myself in regards to my intuitive side, just if I got the info right did I relate it accurately did I let go of ego and just flow.......

Working to overcome is what we are upon at this very moment adn it was what my hubby and I were duiscussing just hours before you popped up on msn and said you were doing my reading.  WE are finally seing a light at the end of a tunnel in regards to bills and debts.  It been a very long long hard cold road but finally it is easing ans some of our larger debts have just finished or are about to.  We have some left adn were trying to work out if we should take out a mediumish loan for my Mothers car but are worried abotu puting oursleves back into more debt as we are just seeing the light now.....So now this has cropped up with the second insight to look into it more I think i will.  Inside my heart says to do this means we may struggle harder again which isnt necessary at this time...theres other choices........That and we will get an amount of money when tax comes around and we were going to go on holiday but just now discussed putting that into more loans to get us out of debt.
This reading is backing up and supporting my more recent thought that I need to re think my choices regarding the spending of an already tight budget.
That and another little thing that it could be indicating on a much more smaller scale too...but I'll save that for you later.....its private....haha

Oh and the question being associating with a healthy wholesome'm very much fine with hubby in that area...certainly not a whiff of problems there!!!!....Yee..Haaaaa

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Thank you for you feed back

Post by MoonGoddess » Sun Apr 15, 2007 12:15 pm

Oh and the question being associating with a healthy wholesome'm very much fine with hubby in that area...certainly not a whiff of problems there!!!!....Yee..Haaaaa
 I almost fell out of my chair with laughter when I pulled out that rune for you.

Thank you for giving me feed back, it gives me more confidence in my ability and great insight.  I must admit it made it easier that you were online at the time.

May the Goddess enlighten you all, Blessed Be!


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