rune reading for Robbie71

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rune reading for Robbie71

Post by robbie71 » Sat May 05, 2007 7:11 am

Hi can anyone pick me out a rune please, just one would be fine..
I am also starting out to learn more about the runes..
thank u  :)

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Re: rune reading

Post by MoonGoddess » Sun May 06, 2007 7:24 am

robbie71 wrote:Hi can anyone pick me out a rune please, just one would be fine..
I am also starting out to learn more about the runes..
thank u  :)
Since you asked so nicely here is your rune:


The rune I have drawn for you is Hagal, Hagal is the first rune of the second aett the aett ruled by Heimdall and Mordgud the guardian or watcher God and Goddess.  Hagal is also the nineth rune and the most sacred powerful number of the Northern Traditions, 'By the power of three times three.'  It is some times called the Mother Rune but literally means hailstone.  Hagal represents all aspects of frozen water that falls from the sky.

It represents all forces out of your control, delays and limitations.  Not a good time to start any new projects as your future is in someone elses hands.  Hagal also tell us not to dwell on the past and concentrate on the present.

As you asked for only one rune this is all I am able to tell you at this time, if you wish me to cast another to shed some light on this I will.


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Post by robbie71 » Mon May 07, 2007 8:39 am

Yes please could you pick a couple more, that makes sense for me now, be nice to know whats coming up..thankyou...

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Post by MoonGoddess » Mon May 07, 2007 12:52 pm

robbie71 wrote:Hi
Yes please could you pick a couple more, that makes sense for me now, be nice to know whats coming up..thankyou...
ImageBerkano Reversed:  The eighteeth rune representing the Birch tree (Betula pendula), is Beorc, Bar or Birkana.  This is double the sacred number of nine of Hagal.  In Northern Traditions eighteen is symbolic of completion and new beginnings on a higher, organic, level if in the upright position.  In the reversed position it usually indicates family problems and domestic troubles.  It shows much friction between you and those closest to you.  It is not a portent of certain doom, it is mearly a warning.

As your next rune cast is Othel Image This signifies a receipt of worrisome news about a older family member significant anxiety about someone close to you.

I hope all goes well for you, just let me know if you need another reading as you can see I am not really swamped with them so I will be happy to read for you some more.

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Post by robbie71 » Mon May 07, 2007 2:10 pm

Thanks for that, though it looks like a heavy time...but it has been for a while, so yea be nice if you could pick some more to see whats coming up more..
thanks again...

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I thought 6 months might help

Post by MoonGoddess » Tue May 08, 2007 6:16 am

robbie71 wrote:Hi
Thanks for that, though it looks like a heavy time...but it has been for a while, so yea be nice if you could pick some more to see whats coming up more..
thanks again...
June ImageNyd: In translation this rune is need, nessecity, to do with the present.  This month indicates that you should be patient as things that are happening will work themselves out in there own good time.  A time of extreme emotional trevail, if you head this one at the pass it may save you later on.  How ever in saying this think twice about embarking on any new projects this month make sure you know all aspects and use your common sense.

JulyImageAnsuz: The rune of Odin the mouth and all things occult and spiritual.  This month will be dedicated to gaining knowledge a wisdom, or a time to take advice given by some one wiser then you.  If you have an exam this month you will pass with flying colours.  Ansuz means advice given freely without guile which is useful and helpful.  This advice will probably come from an older relative and will probably be what you need to solve any dilemas you have this month.

August:Image Othel Reversed:  This month indicates of difficulties and delays caused by trying to get stuff done to fast.  Slow down pay attention to detail and your plans still may be successful.  Do not be stubborn during this month and try to keep an open mind.

September:Image Gifu: Gift, a strengthening of a relationship whether it be Business or Romantic a commitment, movement to the next level.  It could also indicate a gift given from the heart whether emotional or material coming to you in time of need.

October:Image Kenaz:  Tells you to keep a positive attitude this month, as there will be a respite from your troubles making things easier to manage.

November:Image Hagal:  If you are thinking about taking a risk this month make sure you way up all the pros and cons before going on a head, if it feels wrong don't do it.

Okay so that should shed some light on your upcoming six months.

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Post by robbie71 » Tue May 08, 2007 6:51 am

Thank you so much for that....

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