Please to a Reading, 5 rune layout if Possible

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Please to a Reading, 5 rune layout if Possible

Post by Chooky » Thu May 10, 2007 5:08 am

Disregard previous, as I did not state what type of layout.  So heres to if you get time.

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Post by MoonGoddess » Thu May 10, 2007 7:03 am

Hi Chooky,

I am experiencing some computer problems at present so he you don't hear back from me about your reading in a couple of days that is because I have had to put the @#$%y thing in for repairs after I have frisbied it out the window...just kidding.  I will get around to it as soon as my computer stops freezing on me, probably at the beginning of next week hope that is okay.  If I am lucky when my son goes to bed tonight I will have time to do it then...just pray for my computer will


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Post by Chooky » Thu May 10, 2007 10:45 am

No hurry, just whenever you get a moment...


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Rune Reading for Chooky 11th May 2007 1319 Western Australian Time

Post by MoonGoddess » Fri May 11, 2007 6:00 am

Hi Chooky

Actually started to do you runes for you last night but got to distracted as I was gas bagging, so decided to hold off until there were no

The Question
Image Raidho:  The means of travel, as well as the journey itself.  This is either a spiritual journey or a physical journey of pleasure with pleasant companions.  A decision which you are of two minds of, either solution will work out well, but due to the next rune cast it cautions you to be careful of any advice given to you research yourself.

The Back Ground
ImageAnsuz Reversed: Lies and trickery do not believe anything that is said, take care to get a second opinion.  It also can mean a refusal on your part to learn one of lifes hard lessons.

The Seeker
Image  Kenaz: The Knowlege rune, the power and strength of fire.  A person with a good postive attitude who is creative or a craftsman artisan.

The Environment
Image Manaz Reversed: A place where no help is obtainable from and fellow human.  Coming up against all manner of obsticals including yourself.  It can mean a world foriegn to you, a country that is foriegn or a person.  Out of your debt without and raft to float on.

The Answer
Image Sigel:  The power of the Sun in your life give you the power to effect changes, swiftly dealing with opposition to give you time to rest and relax.  In all a solid victory.

Whoopee my computer didn't freeze and I was able to put in the pictures without anything going wrong.  Thought I would do the reading now while my computer is behaving itself, so frustrating.  Any who hope you the reading is what you were looking for.

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Post by Chooky » Fri May 11, 2007 11:13 am

Thankyou Moongoddess

Yes, it does make sense to me today, yesterday if I had read the same thing I would have been confused.
As you see today I have decided to enrol in a post grad course at Uni, which is something that I have been putting off for about 4 years. Thanks again for that, and hope that your computer is kind to you!

By the way could you give me your version of what Laguz is reversed, as I keep getting it in a lot of my readings.

Cheers Chooky

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Laguz Reversed

Post by MoonGoddess » Fri May 11, 2007 12:24 pm

Chooky wrote:By the way could you give me your version of what Laguz is reversed, as I keep getting it in a lot of my readings.

Cheers Chooky
Right as Laguz is a watery rune it is to do with emotional issues but mostly to do with your intuition.  Having it reversed is a bad sign as it donotes that you have been mislead by your own intuition unless this rune is surround by positive runes.  I tells you to take imediate action to get yourself out of bad situation unless it is surrounded by delay runes which then would tell you to wait and see what happens.

The other aspect of Laguz reversed tells of a womant that could bring trouble into your life.  Back stabbing and betrayl from a female friend or disloyalty from a male relationship which could only bring unhappiness.

If surrounded by success runes like Feoh, Tir, Sol ect it could mean a strong female friend there to help you but will make you feel like you owe her.

This rune reverse, tell us to be warey of the people who surround us and seem to be friends.  It also makes us doubt our own intuition, so look into things more carefully research thourghly before doing anything.

It varies it's meaning dependant on what other runes are surrounding it.  Hope that helped.  If you are interested, once my computer is back in good health we are going to start up Rune lessons, as for the post in the Runes forum

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Post by Chooky » Sat May 12, 2007 1:07 am

Yes I would be very interested in rune lessons, I have had my runes for about 3 years, but never really done much with them, and it has only been in the last month or so that I have got them out and am going through the process of learning their basic meanings.  So yes the lessons would be great! The major trouble that I have with them, is interpreting them when they are with others, i am sure you know what I mean.
You haven't done away with your computer then? Will you be letting people know about the lessons, via a sticky?

Cheers Chooky

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Post by MoonGoddess » Sat May 12, 2007 1:30 am

Chooky wrote:Yes I would be very interested in rune lessons, I have had my runes for about 3 years, but never really done much with them, and it has only been in the last month or so that I have got them out and am going through the process of learning their basic meanings.  So yes the lessons would be great! The major trouble that I have with them, is interpreting them when they are with others, i am sure you know what I mean.
You haven't done away with your computer then? Will you be letting people know about the lessons, via a sticky?

Cheers Chooky
Oh my computer is still stuffed and I need to repair it, plus the impending birth of our second child is not so far away.  I have put in the sticky in the Runes forum that I probrobably won't start them until October the end of the year at the most, who knows what life will throw at me.  You never no when I feeding my newborn at 2 or 3 in the morning I might get inspired to start

As for finding it hard to interpret them, I think the most difficult thing is actually learning each individual meaning unless you have a photographic memory then it is a bit hard.  My suggestion is to learn each aett at a time, and look in your life for their meanings.  Eg Say in your life you are experiencing Joy and Harmony reckonise that as the power of the Rune Wunjo.  That is how I work with them I reckonise each of there aspects in my life.  Another thing which helps me is sleeping with them under my pillow.  Was going to say something else but have mind blank as my 18 month old is dancing to a Robbie Williams song very cute.  Any who once I get my computer and life soughted out I will start with the rune lessons.  Earl might want to start them earlier, but I am not sure if he has the time at the moment.

Well better go as BK is looking at me and gibbering at me wanting my attention.


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Post by Chooky » Sat May 12, 2007 1:18 pm

Ok, no worries.  When is your baby due?

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13th soon

Post by MoonGoddess » Sun May 13, 2007 3:13 am

It may come early though as my first came five weeks early so I am expecting any second keep my legs crossed.

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Post by Chooky » Wed May 16, 2007 12:03 pm

My 2nd came 8 weeks early, so I know what that is all about!!!
Good luck with it all!
By the way thanks for the idea of how to remember runes, which was to associate with how you are feeling at the time, its working quite well.


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