Astral travel

Ummmm Star Wars, X-Files, Star Trek... Parallel Worlds, Planets And Aliens...

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Astral travel

Post by yardsmart » Sun May 06, 2007 2:25 pm

Hi. Has anyone had any experiences with astral travel or projection, or with remote viewing? I have recently started to research these topics and have found them to be quite interesting. Is anyone currently traveling on alternate planes? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Post by mysticcrystal » Fri May 11, 2007 1:52 am

Hi Bud,
I do travel alot on alternate planes. My guide takes me around. First, it usually starts out with a trip through darkness (kind of like through space), but then we usually end up in a countryside that looks alot like coastal Spain. I only feel safe going with my guides, never alone. What about you? Have you had any travel experiences?


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Astral Travel

Post by yardsmart » Wed May 16, 2007 12:43 am

Hi. Was glad to get your response. No I haven't traveled at all yet, but I am working on it. I am researching it and practicing quite frequently. Glad to hear of your success!

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Post by mysticcrystal » Wed May 16, 2007 1:51 am

I have a couple of good books on astral travel. As soon as I get time, I will get them out and post the titles for you. (It might take a couple of weeks because I'm going in for surgery). Hopefully, I can do it before I go into the hospital. Anyway, they are very good for this purpose.

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Post by enocheye » Fri May 18, 2007 12:09 pm

I have astral travelled a little many years ago in dreams usually asleep.  Some of them to space craft where I was given a guided tour.  

BUT...In the last 2 years I have been through a huge awakening experience (and still am evolving).  I astral travel now whilst going about my usual daily duties... feeling like travelling back and forth through a glass onion with each layer being a different dimension but an exact copy of each layer.  Walking meditation with eyes open prob would be a good description I guess.  The layers bring information that is heard and spoken in my daily life by everyone and everything all around me in many different ways.

I have managed to work out how to "hop" or "glide" from one dimension to another and back again with a thought or intension to do so.  This was a very traumatic time trying to convince myself I was not going crazy... but now realise it is my spiritual guidance showing me skills I have been given.

Example... I might be chatting to someone about say... a computer email on a screen... we talk in the so called "humanistic real sense of emails"...and then the conversation switches to something more sureal like "the email is a communication from higher spirit beings to angels to source to a lost soul, and how to assist them"... all the while the words are spoken in the english we all know but the content switches its meaning depending on which dimension or layer I happen to slide to.
Very much like one conversation being spoken on 2 or 3 or 3 or more levels at once... and trying to understand all levels at the same time.

So for example If I feel myself slide to an alien dimension the words and meanings fit in perfectly... if I slip into an ancient historical dimension again the words fit into that context... Same words... different meaning...
almost like de ja vue but instead of it being in the same dimension we life in and experiencing it as having done or seen it before maybe a week or so earlier.... it is more like having seen or done it 2000 years ago dessed in egyptian clothes holding a paypurus... or on a flight deck of a space aircraft discussing communications with Earth and other planets....

It took a long time to understand what this weird feeling was and very difficult to share it with others because it was too hard to explain and they didnt have the knowledge to understand this concept...  Since you asked I felt you may be able to understand it better and perhaps I can help you see it too.

Thanks for reading

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Post by triggersad » Sat May 19, 2007 10:03 am


How long did it take you to develop this?

Lots of meditation, I'm thinking?

This may be hard to believe, but I've first learned of Astral Travelling at the age of about; eight.

[when my family first got a computer.]

Well, I learned to charge my energy around then.

I've had about 4  OBEs that I can remember.

One was on purpose, but I was so tired, I just fell into it.

The other 3 were in dreams, that I do remember.

Anyway, is there anything you can teach or tell about how you learned to do this?

Thanks. :-)

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how... hmmm well.

Post by enocheye » Sun May 20, 2007 7:35 am

I have always been an outsider with regards to people all my life.  Never fitting into anyone's pigeon hole.  And always been fascinated with mystical and ancient stories.  About 2 years ago I had a reading with a card reader and she brought up some things about my past lives which I related back to my childhood fears.  A couple of days later I had a huge enlihtening experience and was showered with white light energy from above.  The next two years was basically living in this bubble of strong energy electicity and trying to cope with the outside world of reality whilst shovelling through past life karma that was presented to me.  It was a full on experience and hit me like a rocket. I frantically bought books and sourced information and did meditations and all that stuff to try to figure what it was and why me?.. (all the while I knew it was "home" calling me back)....  I have managed to "stablize" my centre of balance and keep both feet firmly on the ground.  My head spinning like a top or the swaying sensation like being on a boat is with me still and when I do readings for people it becomes like a crowded phonebox.  I don't charge for my services because I feel that anyone going through this type of experience or even depression usually has to pay for help and this deters them... so I provide the service for free... when someone needs assistance on that level I am usually directed by my guides to assist and the words just flow.

To assess what type of dimension they are having difficulty with I tend to slide from one dimension to the other by just thinking about that kind of atmosphere... and the problem will be explained on all levels.  That way I can know which level to address the answers that may help.

Love & light

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Post by mysticcrystal » Tue May 22, 2007 11:13 pm

Hi, The two books I like for astral travel is:

Naked Soul by Marlene Marie Druhan       and

Astral Voyages By Dr. Bruce Goldberg

Let me know if you get them or like them. And if you find any good books, let me know.


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Astral Travel

Post by ranter » Thu May 24, 2007 7:07 pm

Hi everybody.
The easiest way to achieve astral travel is by using the Christos technique.  This is a technique that came from Australia in 1974.
The process requires 3 people.
The one wishing to travel should be lying on the plinth.  One should gently massage the feet of that person moving from the ankles in flowing motions towards the toes.  The other person should gently massage the forehead with a soft bottom end of their closed fist.This should continue for between five and 15 minutes until the person on the plinth is positively buzzing.  Now the suggestions start.

The person in the tent is requested to imagine that their toes are extending 1 inch below their feet.  They must feel this.  Then they must draw that feeling back into their feet.  This should be repeated three times.
Now if they are requested to feed themselves and extending 1 inch above the top of their head.  Again they should repeat this three times.  Now they should focus on their feet again and this time extended 6 inches as per instructed.  Do this back and forth three times.  And repeat the same with the head.  Now go back to defeat an extended by 12 inches by three times.  Now repeat the same at the head.  Now relax for a moment.  Now extend out from both the feet and head of the same time.  Do this back and forth at least three times.  Now extend both the head and feet and awkward at the same time and pop out of the body.  Now float gently open to the room.  Look around and survey your environment from above.  Now move out through the roof.  There are no barriers to your astral body.Move up above your residence and survey your environment from there.  You may not travel anywhere you like to anyplace in the world of anyplace in the universe.  You may travel backward and forward through time.  You must go into your past lives or anywhere else you want.  Always request that you go into a safe place.  You are always connected to your body by a silver card.  You are in fact experiencing bilocation. So you can describe your experiences from the plinth while you are in another place.It's fun.  It's safe.  It's exciting.  Above all its mind expanding, so enjoy the experience.

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Post by marie clay » Sat Jun 09, 2007 11:05 pm

i use 2 a lot when i was younger. my fav place was sitting on top of a big shop roof, not far from my house, and watch everything from there. i use 2 'fly' through the window. i once looked down and i swear an old people knew i was there. she looked straight at me and starting running really fast. it was always after midnight. i havent been able to do it since. i use 2 just focus on a wall or the light bulb in a dark room with a little light from the moon and just watch all the tricks my eyes played. then the wall/light bulb would start to ripple and look like its moving closer. i could still sense my arms underneath my head but if i ever turned back i got a great shock of seeing myself asleep with my arms under my head. it was a great experience i can tell you.

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Astral Travel

Post by ranter » Sat Jun 09, 2007 11:52 pm

Hello Marie Clay,
Fear is the only thing stopping people from Astral Traveling. The innocence of youth has no fear. We are generally taught fear.
Breathe white light into and all around you as a shield of protection. Keep your consciousness within the white light.
It will protect you and prevent your energy from interfering with things electrical and from others seeing you unless you will them to see you.
You can go anywhere in the Multiverse at the speed of thought. You can go backwards and forward through time. You can experience your past and probable future lives. The reason I say probable is that we are traveling along a probability timeline. Think of this as like a cogged wheel which sometimes misses a cog and shifts us on to a different probability line. This is happening on a regular basis at the moment. That is why it is so difficult to predict the future at the moment. The prophasies of Nostrodamus and Edgar Cayce  which tended to be quite accurate in the past are now useless.
Excellent Psychics, Astrologers and Readers are experiencing a frustrating time at the moment. They are wonderfully accurate and then there is a probability shift of the timeline  and everything happens differently. For those of them who dont know what is happening it must be very frustrating. Once the realize there is a possibility of a probability shift they can then come to realize that their predicting abilities are not at fault but a timeline shift has changed everything.
However we are talking about your ability to Astrally Travel. Once you have done it you never lose the ability. Its like learning to swim or ride a bicycle. Its always there for you when ever you want to use it.
I wish you joy and happy traveling.

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Post by marie clay » Sat Jun 09, 2007 11:55 pm

thanks x

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Post by mysticcrystal » Sun Jun 10, 2007 1:06 am

Well put, ranter.

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Post by efishy » Sun Jun 10, 2007 1:49 am

Hi,  I have  done some astral travel, and Ihave to say, it is really  liberating, to be free of the body, and weightless.. is indescribable. I have also done some remote veiwing. I  just simply sit in a chair, and calm  my self right sown, and think about what it is I  desire to see. I may have to sit there  for about 20 minutes before  things come to me, but it sdoes happen. Most of the time I can not get it verified, but on a few occsions I have had it verified, andi was shocked I was so  accurate.  

Astral  travel  has been a bit more difficult for me, but I do feel I am on the way to controling it. Writing down  dreams when I wake up when ever that may  be, does seam to help. I have been in  travel  and watched friends dreaming...  watched them in their  dream, and watched how they react... but again I could  not get it verified, cause they couldn't remember. But I knew what was  going on. One  of my  friends was dreaming something that  was beating her up,  but  it was about herself beating herself up about things, but it came out in a dream as something was  attacting  her. I watched another friend watch a movie about something that was going on  in her life, and I could  barely  get her attention, as she was  very  focused on her  dream.  Now  the  one thing  I have learned, is that in astral travel, it is very  easy to see things that  you make up in your mnd, and its  so  so simple to  get sidetracked that way. so, one of the things that I have learned from  reading the  Seth  books, is that when I feel  like things  are  not  wuite  right, i ask that only the  things that are real  be there, and low and  behold, almost all of it  dissapears, because Imade it  up in my  mind , and I can again focus on what I  am doing in the  first place.   Ellie

marie clay
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Post by marie clay » Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:22 am

i believe what i experienced was real as the lady who i mentioned in the above msg approached me a couple weeks afterwards saying i was her angel and she felt safe with me so could i walk her home.  the top of the jewellers from where id sit fasinated me as a small child [ for reasons unknown] so i think i subconscienly drifted there without me being aware of me wanting to go there. its a strange thing. i must of done it at least 4 times a week.

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