Part Three - The Court Cards - 2

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Part Three - The Court Cards - 2

Post by Gem » Tue May 22, 2007 3:14 pm

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This court card family is a lovely sunny warm one? They all seem so consumed with their pentacles don't they? Bright yellow backgrounds too.

Now I just wonder what are they all thinking?  Any ideas?

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The Pentacle Family

Post by chrisdee » Tue May 22, 2007 3:51 pm

Page pentacles
IF i could learn the skill to make something as perfect as this i could make a living making them
Knight Pentacles
Hes stopped again, I wont get far tossing this coin, i  could just plod along slowly, i know ill get there in the end with a steady reliable horse like mine he just needs a little push now and again
Queen Pentacles
Well i have plenty of these safely put away ,if i look after them my family will be secure
King Pentacles
Well my business as done well, Ive spent quite a lot of these to get my creature comforts ,a good balance makes me happy

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Post by mysticcrystal » Fri May 25, 2007 5:05 am

page of pentacles: i think he thinks about going to college and making a fortune
knight of pentacles:maybe he's thinking of how much money he will make when he works the fields and reaps the results.
queen of pentacles: She looks like she is nurturing that pentacle. Maybe she feels if she takes care of her money and spends it wisely, she will grow rich.
king of pentacles: This king looks like his has closed his eyes to everything but his money. He may be a workaholic, neglecting his family.

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Re: Part Three - The Court Cards - 2

Post by George » Sat May 26, 2007 11:46 am

Gem wrote:Image  Image Image  Image

This court card family is a lovely sunny warm one? They all seem so consumed with their pentacles don't they? Bright yellow backgrounds too.

Now I just wonder what are they all thinking?  Any ideas?
i never saw this family as "lovely sunny warm" althought i see what you mean with the bright sun yellow color. This family is so consumed with their wealth and finances.  always thinking how will i use this, need this, or keep this money or stablity of it.  it is how i control my own destiny.  the page barly holding it, it being on his finger tips and more carefree with it after all babys or children how know real concepts of money although as a knight he holds it more firmly.  but still it rests in the palm of his hand and is not held too tightly.  The mother cradles it and has a firm grasp of its importants to her family and house hold.  The king sits richly and boldly and holds it with one hand on top and his lap thats holds it steady.  he earned and feels he will keep it. it is his and his arrogrant because of it.
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Post by Gem » Sat May 26, 2007 3:42 pm

Great replies from you all thanks :)

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Post by Chooky » Thu May 31, 2007 5:28 am

They all seem consumed by their money, perhaps neglecting other important aspects of their life.  I feel they don't listen to others, very materialistic.  They all appear to be very focused looking people, they look like they know what they want in life.

The Page - If i study hard, I too will be abel to reap the rewards as my father has done. -

The Knight - If i give her this, she will surely accept me and want to be with me

The Queen - I could consider giving this to someone else who is more needing, but I have worked hard for it...

The King - I have worked hard all my life, I have all the money that I want, and thats all that makes me happy.
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Post by cedars » Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:51 pm

Okay, Gem, sorry, I found the link.

I like the Pentacles family. They are a classy and affluent family, but they dont have their heads in the clouds because of their wealth.

PAGE OF PENTACLES: I like this youngman. Granted, he is a teenager, but he is in touch with Mother Earth. Look at his clothes; they are almost earthly colours, indicating someone who works with the soil to bring about good things. He comes across to me as the son of a farmer who has been given a piece of land to play with his boyish toys. But this guy uses that piece of land and brings home dividends, as the coin he is carefully and proudly carries in both hands. Bright sunshine around him and the bearer of good tidings on matters of finance and work.

KNIGHT OF PENTACLES: A balanced and a cautious man. He handles his money wisely and is not rushing anywhere. He is in full armour, but not going to fight. In fact, at sunset he mounts his horse to inspect the fields and the opportunities to invest in and convert that one coin into two, three and so on. He may be boring and too cautious in money matter; he may lack the partying spirit and no risk taker, but you can trust him to deliver the goods.

QUEEN OF PENTACLES: Serene, wealthy, good position in society, and yet humble. Her head bending sideways acknowledging to herself that it was hard work that got her to where she is now. She is a charitable woman, generous mother, someone who knows how to handle the family finances and probably a banker herself. She will give good advice on money matters. She may even have come into money by virtue of marrying someone wealthy, but she has not abused that wealth for she knows how to appreciate money which she probably lacked in her past.

KING OF PENTACLES: Now, this is a fat, wealthy man, almost drowning in his riches. He is surrounded with his material assets but is not big headed about his wealth. He knows his wealth is not going to disappear nor run away from him and, hence, he just handles them gently without holding them to his chest, as though someone was going to steal them from him. This king will give good advice to anyone wishing to invest money; he may be that banker who will approve your loan, or your father who will assist you with your opening capital.

There is an earthly feeling in these four characters by way of the colour of their surroundings, their clothing and their posture. Almost like saying if you want the earth to deliver, then you have to be one with earth and not hurry things up, for earth takes it time to deliver and this delivery does not happen overnight.

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Re: Part Three - The Court Cards - 2

Post by weezerwall » Thu Jul 05, 2007 12:50 am

Gem wrote:Image  Image Image  Image

This court card family is a lovely sunny warm one? They all seem so consumed with their pentacles don't they? Bright yellow backgrounds too.

Now I just wonder what are they all thinking?  Any ideas?
:smt002 The Pentacles family lives on the "sunny side of the street".   They live comfortably, appreciate and possess the finer things, but generally don't let it go to their heads.  They are symbols of the wealth that can be achieved by being hardworking and industrious.  They're not afraid to "roll up their sleeves" and as a result, are also in good physical health.  They've remained "down to earth" in the face of success.  They are interested in their community image and status - without putting on airs.  They have already started letting their youngest child explore the value of money:

Page of Pentacles - is a happy, yet more reserved young man.  He's well-behaved and has already started to spend time getting to know how money works while the other kids are off playing with LEGO.  His brother,

Knight of Pentacles - has a similar disposition. Confident, yet modest.  He is being groomed to run the family business and there is a lot to learn.  He may not be flashy, but for some, he'd be the ideal son-in-law.  He's using his time wisely - here we see him thinking of new ways/avenues for investment or to drive the business forward.

Queen of Pentacles - dear mother.  Concerned with keeping the home comfortable.  She's the guardian over family traditions and heritage.  The Pentacles "roots" as it were.  She's taught her sons to respect the value of money, but also that one should be generous.  Perhaps she does some charity work when she's not being a successful/efficient homemaker or doing the books at the family business.  Like many moms she's making sure that the boys grow up strong and healthy - preaching good habits and practicing them herself as well.  Here we see her relaxing in the beautiful garden she planted and has nurtured over the years. She's taking a moment to reflect on and appreciate what the family has achieved and perhaps planning her youngest son's path - should he be a banker or a scientist? Her husband,

King of Pentacles - was poor, but hardworking when they met.  He built up the family business from scratch and now has time to look back on what's he was able to do.  He's made a name for himself - without being too flashy.  He's "gutsy" in a solid kind of way - practical and pragmatic. Although he's retired from active business life, he still holds the "reigns," oversees investments and does some consulting work for other companies.  He has an acquired type of class, and enjoys the physical "reward" of taking care of the body - GOOD HEALTH.  He is and always has been a down-to-earth, no nonsense type of guy who tries to instill a healthy work ethic in his sons - especially since he's learned that money is not everything!  It's important to learn a good craft, trade or develop skills.  His philosophy is that hard work pays off.  

Nice visiting them!


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Post by pamDemonium » Thu Sep 20, 2007 10:24 am

The pentacles family have worked hard for their wealth and want to keep it and use it to enjoy life

Princess of pentacles. A practical person who understands how to organise a new business venture.  She could help you start a new business, being practical and a good communicator.

Prince of pentacles. The prince teaches us how important it is to be reliable and trustworthy in business. You need these qualities to make a success of your business (or job).

Queen of pentacles: She enjoys the good fortune her business has provided. She now has the time and money to socialise or go to the theatre.  She reminds us to be protective of our wealth. You have worked hard to get where you are, don't let it slip through your fingers.  The queen is a mother after all and she must protect her wealth to ensure a secure  future for her children.

King of pentacles.  A strong, serious, hard working pragmatic man. He finds it hard to delegate. He wants to know every person's job in the business. He isn't afraid to get his hands dirty. The benefit of being dedicated to his work has paid off and he reaps the rewards. But the reward comes with a cost. He has neglected his family. It can be lonely at the top.
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Post by arianna » Mon Oct 29, 2007 6:10 pm

The pentacles as a family

The page is shown with a pentacle not yet in his grasp - slightly out of reach a young person just finding out about the value of money - Although he has grown up with money he does not yet have any of his own.

The knight is got a firm hand on his money he is holding on a little tighter as it is no longer just given to him but he is now earning it and is more careful with it since he knows what he has to do to make it on his own -

The Queen is pictured in a sillouette and slightly turned away - I get that she knows the value and enjoys her riches but is also generous with her wealth A charitable woman who gives back

The King of Pentacles - I don't feel that he is all powerful - I think of a good businessman that worked hard for his money - It may have been given to him and maybe he didn't work for any of it - I would have to see the spread to get a better feel but just looking at the card I see a good provider
I wish that your dreams stay big and worries stay small

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Re: Part Three - The Court Cards - 2

Post by Sabra » Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:41 am

Gem wrote:Image  Image Image  Image
This court card family is a lovely sunny warm one? They all seem so consumed with their pentacles don't they? Bright yellow backgrounds too.

Now I just wonder what are they all thinking?  Any ideas?
I think that the entire Pentacle family is thinking about new and ingenious ways to create prosperity and about ways they might be able to assist others

The King of Pentacles is respected for his dependability.  He is not given to making promises that he can't keep, therefore is word is more valuable than gold.  

He works his way out of seemingly impossible situations and is incredibly self sufficient.  People would think that because of everything he accomplishes for himself that he wouldn't find the time to help others, but he does.  He never fails to encourage and help others in all ways.

The Queen of Pentacles is very down to earth and honest, and doesn't have time for putting on airs or game playing.  She's close to nature, resourceful, and above all loyal.

The Knight of Pentacles on a good day is hardworking and often a perfectionist.  Being realistic can be a good thing, but he is so realistic that he doesn't take the time to dream.  Playtime doesn't get the project at hand finished, so it's a major waste of time.  This one will NOT be considered the life of the party.

The Page of Pentacles
, like the rest of the Pentacle family is loyal, hard working, and prosperous.  This page is the practical sort and sets out vigorously to plan and achieve goals, but loves life and it doesn't forget to take time out to enjoy it.
Last edited by Sabra on Wed Nov 28, 2007 4:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by cedars » Tue Nov 27, 2007 12:09 pm

Hi Sabra
I am a bit confused the contradiction in your depiction of the King of Pentacles. Can he keep his promises or not? I feel you say he is not well known for keeping his word and, therefore, does not make him dependable.....
sorry, perhaps I am not catching something here?

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Post by Sabra » Wed Nov 28, 2007 4:34 am

cedars wrote:Hi Sabra
I am a bit confused the contradiction in your depiction of the King of Pentacles. Can he keep his promises or not? I feel you say he is not well known for keeping his word and, therefore, does not make him dependable.....
sorry, perhaps I am not catching something here?
Hi Cedars,

It's a typo - I feel that he IS known for keeping his word.  Thanks for pointing that out.   :)

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My RW Pentacle family say...

Post by pirbid » Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:06 pm

- Page: "I wonder... If I plant this seed, what will it grow into?"

- Knight: "These fields will give much profit if the land is rightly worked. I am not afraid of hard work: I want my family to be proud of me".

- Queen: "My, how time goes by... I remember when the boys were still babies, when this whole garden was but a few seedlings, when we were young and inexperienced. We have come a long way, have we not?".

- King: "My family, my castle, my grounds... what more could a man want to be thankful? Plant the right seeds, work them, water them with your own sweat: there is no greater satisfaction than seeing them grow and letting them feed you in time. All in good time...".

This family does not seem too talkative or given to showy affection. They each go about their own business, but still taking the others into account and knowing they can always depend on each other in case of trouble.

Whenever they turn up in a reading, I feel we are dealing with practical, down to earth people, trusty, dependable, strong and realistic. Ideal to do business with, though maybe not as companions on an adventure trip.


Robin Wood's king is like god Baccus, ready to celebrate a good harvest with plenty of libations. His queen is maternal and homey, also surrounded by growing things and... here the bunnies are easier to spot, playing on her dress. The knight is in full armor, but looks more ready for a business transaction than conquering by force. And the child seems to be wondering if this pentacle might not have dropped directly from the sun.

There is a big difference in background color: while RW is mostly yellow (standing for earth, I suppose, as in Feng Shui), Robin Wood's is mostly green, easy to identify with nature and growth, rather than gold. But their hair color is black, just as RW's.
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Post by cedars » Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:11 pm

Very interesting pictorial depictions again, Pirbid.
Once again, thanks for posting these pictures. Although the faces are a bit caricature-ish, but I get the impressions quite well and I also agree with you re the RW deck where the colours are more of sun and earth - the elements to make things grow.

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